Cold Brew Day

Title image for Cold Brew Day

Cold Brew Day is a day that celebrates cold brew coffee, which is coffee that is brewed without heat for an extended period of time. It is typically served over ice and is known for its smooth, rich flavor.



Cold Brew Day is celebrated annually on April 20th.

Year Date Day
2022 April 20 Wednesday
2023 April 20 Thursday
2024 April 20 Saturday
2025 April 20 Sunday
2026 April 20 Monday
2027 April 20 Tuesday
2028 April 20 Thursday
2029 April 20 Friday
2030 April 20 Saturday
2031 April 20 Sunday
2032 April 20 Tuesday
2033 April 20 Wednesday
2034 April 20 Thursday
2035 April 20 Friday

Student Government Day

Title image for Student Government Day

Student Government Day is a special occasion that recognizes and celebrates the students who take up important leadership roles in managing various aspects of school life. These students are responsible for organizing events, activities, programs, policies, and initiatives that contribute to the overall development and enjoyment of the student body.



Student Government Day is celebrated annually on the first Friday in April.

Year Date Day
2024 April 5 Friday
2025 April 4 Friday
2026 April 3 Friday
2027 April 2 Friday
2028 April 7 Friday
2029 April 6 Friday
2030 April 5 Friday
2031 April 4 Friday
2032 April 2 Friday
2033 April 1 Friday
2034 April 7 Friday
2035 April 6 Friday

National Handmade Day

Title image for National Handmade Day

National Handmade Day is dedicated to promoting and appreciating handmade products and the artisans who create them.



National Handmade Day is celebrated annually on the first Saturday in April.

Year Date Day
2024 April 6 Saturday
2025 April 5 Saturday
2026 April 4 Saturday
2027 April 3 Saturday
2028 April 1 Saturday
2029 April 7 Saturday
2030 April 6 Saturday
2031 April 5 Saturday
2032 April 3 Saturday
2033 April 2 Saturday
2034 April 1 Saturday
2035 April 7 Saturday

Poem In Your Pocket Day

Title image for Poem In Your Pocket Day

Poem In Your Pocket Day is an annual celebration that encourages people to carry a favorite poem with them and share it with others throughout the day.



Poem In Your Pocket Day is celebrated annually on the last Thursday of April.

Year Date Day
2024 April 25 Thursday
2025 April 24 Thursday
2026 April 30 Thursday
2027 April 29 Thursday
2028 April 27 Thursday
2029 April 26 Thursday
2030 April 25 Thursday
2031 April 24 Thursday
2032 April 29 Thursday
2033 April 28 Thursday
2034 April 27 Thursday
2035 April 26 Thursday

National Go Birding Day

Title image for National Go Birding Day

National Go Birding Day is a day dedicated to celebrating birds and birdwatching. It is an annual event held on the last Saturday of April, where birdwatchers and nature enthusiasts across the United States come together to appreciate the beauty of birds.



National Go Birding Day is celebrated annually on the last Saturday in April.

Year Date Day
2024 April 27 Saturday
2025 April 26 Saturday
2026 April 25 Saturday
2027 April 24 Saturday
2028 April 29 Saturday
2029 April 28 Saturday
2030 April 27 Saturday
2031 April 26 Saturday
2032 April 24 Saturday
2033 April 30 Saturday
2034 April 29 Saturday
2035 April 28 Saturday

National Clean Out Your Medicine Cabinet Day

Title image for National Clean Out Your Medicine Cabinet Day

National Clean Out Your Medicine Cabinet Day is an annual event aimed at encouraging people to clear out expired, unused, or unwanted medications from their homes, for the purpose of preventing accidental poisoning, drug abuse, and environmental pollution.



National Clean Out Your Medicine Cabinet Day is celebrated annually on the third Friday in April.

Year Date Day
2024 April 19 Friday
2025 April 18 Friday
2026 April 17 Friday
2027 April 16 Friday
2028 April 21 Friday
2029 April 20 Friday
2030 April 19 Friday
2031 April 18 Friday
2032 April 16 Friday
2033 April 15 Friday
2034 April 21 Friday
2035 April 20 Friday

Patriots’ Day

Title image for Patriots' Day

Patriots’ Day is a holiday that celebrates the militias from Maine during the Revolutionary War. These militias played a significant role in the battle for independence, and their bravery and contributions are honored on this day.



Patriots’ Day is celebrated annually on the third Monday of April.

Year Date Day
2024 April 15 Monday
2025 April 21 Monday
2026 April 20 Monday
2027 April 19 Monday
2028 April 17 Monday
2029 April 16 Monday
2030 April 15 Monday
2031 April 21 Monday
2032 April 19 Monday
2033 April 18 Monday
2034 April 17 Monday
2035 April 16 Monday