Olivia Rodrigo was born on February 20, 2003 in Murrieta, CA
Category: February Famous Birthdays
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Zach Roerig birthday and other facts
Zach Roerigwas born on February 22nd in Montpelier, OH.
Zachary Gordon birthday and other facts
Zachary Gordonwas born on February 15th in Oak Park, CA.
Zahia Dehar birthday and other facts
Zahia Deharwas born on February 25th in Ghriss, Algeria.
Zaza Pachulia birthday and other facts
Zaza Pachuliawas born on February 10th in Tbilisi, Georgia.
Zhang Ziyi birthday and other facts
Zhang Ziyiwas born on February 9th in Beijing, China.
Zsa Zsa Gábor birthday and other facts
Zsa Zsa Gáborwas born on February 6th in Budapest, Hungary.