International Sailor Moon Day is an annual celebration held on July 7th to honor the Japanese manga and anime series “Sailor Moon.” Fans worldwide come together to share their love for the show, dress up as their favorite characters, attend conventions,
International Sailor Moon Day is celebrated annually on AUGUST 6th
Year | Date | Day |
2023 | August 6 | Sunday |
2024 | August 6 | Tuesday |
2025 | August 6 | Wednesday |
2026 | August 6 | Thursday |
2027 | August 6 | Friday |
2028 | August 6 | Sunday |
2029 | August 6 | Monday |
2030 | August 6 | Tuesday |
2031 | August 6 | Wednesday |
2032 | August 6 | Friday |
2033 | August 6 | Saturday |
2034 | August 6 | Sunday |
2035 | August 6 | Monday |