January celebrations and observances that don’t fall on a set day every year. For a list of national days that fall on the same date every year click here.
Federal Holiday – Martin Luther King Jr. Day
Better Business Communication Day
Blue Monday
Brew Monday
Chinese New Year
Clashing Clothes Day
Community Manager Appreciation Day
Elementary School Teacher Day
Healthy Weight, Healthy Look Day
International Fetish Day
International Fun At Work Day
Lunar New Year
National Bubble Wrap Appreciation Day
National Clean Off Your Desk Day
National Fourth Graders Day
National Fresh Squeezed Juice Day
National Fun at Work Day
National Gluten-Free Day
National Poetry at Work Day
National Seed Swap Day
National Shop for Travel Day
National Sunday Supper Day
National Take the Stairs Day
National Thank God It’s Monday Day
National Use Your Gift Card Day
National Vision Board Day
No Pants Subway Ride Day
Old New Year
Plough Monday
Plough Sunday
Poetry At Work Day
Quitters Day
Rose Bowl Game
Soup Swap Day
Speak Up and Succeed Day
Visit Your Local Quilt Shop Day
Weigh-In Day
Womens Healthy Weight Day
World Leprosy Day
World Religion Day
World Snow Day