Title image for National Doughnut Day.

In 1938, Chicago hosted the inaugural National Donut Day, commemorating the legacy of The Salvation Army’s Donut Lassies. These women were dispatched to France in 1917 to set up field bases near the front lines. From makeshift huts, they provided thousands of soldiers with essential supplies and freshly baked donuts.

The presence of these brave women and the familiar taste of donuts brought hope and joy to the battlefield, significantly boosting the morale of weary soldiers. The Donut Lassies are also credited with popularizing donuts in the United States when the troops, often called “doughboys,” returned from Europe. Today, over a century later, The Salvation Army continues to serve on the front lines, offering a wide array of social services to the most vulnerable individuals and families in the United States.



When is National Doughnut Day

National Doughnut Day is celebrated annually on the first Friday in June.

FridayJune 72024
FridayJune 62025
FridayJune 52026
FridayJune 42027
FridayJune 22028
FridayJune 12029
FridayJune 72030
FridayJune 62031
FridayJune 42032
FridayJune 32033
FridayJune 22034
FridayJune 12035

Author: Nat Days

“When you arise in the morning think of what a privilege it is to be alive, to think, to enjoy, to love ...” ― Marcus Aurelius, Meditations


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