World Circus Day

Title image for World Circus Day

World Circus Day is an annual event celebrated on the third Saturday of April to raise awareness and promote the art of circus around the world.



World Circus Day is celebrated annually on the third Saturday each April.

Year Date Day
2024 April 20 Saturday
2025 April 19 Saturday
2026 April 18 Saturday
2027 April 17 Saturday
2028 April 15 Saturday
2029 April 21 Saturday
2030 April 20 Saturday
2031 April 19 Saturday
2032 April 17 Saturday
2033 April 16 Saturday
2034 April 15 Saturday
2035 April 21 Saturday

Power Lounge Day

Title image for Power Lounge Day

Power Lounge Day is a celebration dedicated to the art of ultimate relaxation. It involves spending an extended period of time on a super comfortable couch, allowing individuals to recharge, unwind, and indulge in much-needed rest and leisure.



Power Lounge Day is celebrated annually on April 23rd.

Year Date Day
2022 April 23 Saturday
2023 April 23 Sunday
2024 April 23 Tuesday
2025 April 23 Wednesday
2026 April 23 Thursday
2027 April 23 Friday
2028 April 23 Sunday
2029 April 23 Monday
2030 April 23 Tuesday
2031 April 23 Wednesday
2032 April 23 Friday
2033 April 23 Saturday
2034 April 23 Sunday
2035 April 23 Monday

Undiagnosed Children’s Awareness Day

Title image for Undiagnosed Children’s Awareness Day

Undiagnosed Children’s Awareness Day aims to raise awareness about the existence of undiagnosed diseases in children.



Undiagnosed Children’s Awareness Day is celebrated annually on the last Friday in April.

Year Date Day
2024 April 26 Friday
2025 April 25 Friday
2026 April 24 Friday
2027 April 30 Friday
2028 April 28 Friday
2029 April 27 Friday
2030 April 26 Friday
2031 April 25 Friday
2032 April 30 Friday
2033 April 29 Friday
2034 April 28 Friday
2035 April 27 Friday

World Veterinary Day

Title image for World Veterinary Day

World Veterinary Day is an annual event to recognize the role of veterinarians in animal health and welfare, public health, and food safety. The day aims to raise awareness about the important work of veterinary professionals.



World Veterinary Day is celebrated annually on the last Saturday in April.

Year Date Day
2024 April 27 Saturday
2025 April 26 Saturday
2026 April 25 Saturday
2027 April 24 Saturday
2028 April 29 Saturday
2029 April 28 Saturday
2030 April 27 Saturday
2031 April 26 Saturday
2032 April 24 Saturday
2033 April 30 Saturday
2034 April 29 Saturday
2035 April 28 Saturday

World Healing Day

Title image for World Healing Day

World Healing Day is a day celebrated annually with the aim of promoting peace, harmony, and healing throughout the world. It encourages people to come together in prayer, meditation, reflection, or positive actions to create a wave of positive energy.



World Healing Day is celebrated annually on the last Saturday in April.

Year Date Day
2024 April 27 Saturday
2025 April 26 Saturday
2026 April 25 Saturday
2027 April 24 Saturday
2028 April 29 Saturday
2029 April 28 Saturday
2030 April 27 Saturday
2031 April 26 Saturday
2032 April 24 Saturday
2033 April 30 Saturday
2034 April 29 Saturday
2035 April 28 Saturday

Thank You Thursday

Title image for Thank You Thursday

Thank You Thursday is a social media trend where people express gratitude and thanks on Thursdays by acknowledging someone or something for their contributions, kindness, or support. It is a way to spread positivity and appreciation in online communities.



Thank You Thursday is celebrated annually on 6 days before the first Wednesday in May.

Ginger Beer Day

Title image for Ginger Beer Day

Ginger Beer Day is a celebration of the popular beverage made from ginger, sugar, and other ingredients. This fizzy, spicy drink has a long history and is beloved by many for its refreshing taste.



Ginger Beer Day is celebrated annually on April 2nd.

Year Date Day
2022 April 2 Saturday
2023 April 2 Sunday
2024 April 2 Tuesday
2025 April 2 Wednesday
2026 April 2 Thursday
2027 April 2 Friday
2028 April 2 Sunday
2029 April 2 Monday
2030 April 2 Tuesday
2031 April 2 Wednesday
2032 April 2 Friday
2033 April 2 Saturday
2034 April 2 Sunday
2035 April 2 Monday

World Tai Chi and Qigong Day

Title image for World Tai Chi And Qigong Day

World Tai Chi And Qigong Day is an annual event celebrated on the last Saturday of April, where people in over 80 countries gather to demonstrate and promote the health benefits of Tai Chi and Qigong practices.



World Tai Chi And Qigong Day is celebrated annually on the last Saturday in April.

Year Date Day
2024 April 27 Saturday
2025 April 26 Saturday
2026 April 25 Saturday
2027 April 24 Saturday
2028 April 29 Saturday
2029 April 28 Saturday
2030 April 27 Saturday
2031 April 26 Saturday
2032 April 24 Saturday
2033 April 30 Saturday
2034 April 29 Saturday
2035 April 28 Saturday

Poet in a Cupcake Day

Title image for Poet In A Cupcake Day

Poet In A Cupcake Day is a celebration of literature and sweet treats, where poetry is baked into cupcakes and people come together to enjoy and share their favorite poems while indulging in delicious cupcakes.



Poet In A Cupcake Day is celebrated annually on the friday of Take Your Poet to School Week, which is the first full week in April..

Slow Art Day

Title image for Slow Art Day

Slow Art Day is an annual global event that encourages people to look at art slowly, mindfully, and deeply. Participants are invited to spend at least 5-10 minutes observing each artwork, allowing for a more immersive and meaningful experience.



Slow Art Day is celebrated annually on a different day every year..