List of National Days for Week 5 of 2025

Title Image for Week 5 of 2025
Here are the days to celebrate during Week 5 of 2025.

Sunday Jan 26, 2025

International Customs Day
Lotus 1-2-3 Day
National Green Juice Day
National Peanut Brittle Day
National Spouses Day
Toad Hollow Day Of Encouragement

Monday Jan 27, 2025

Do For Your Country Day
Earned Income Tax Credit Awareness Day
International Day Of Commemoration In Memory Of The Victims Of The Holocaust
National Chocolate Cake Day
National Geographic Day
Punch The Clock Day
Thomas Crapper Day
Vietnam Peace Day
World Breast Pumping Day

Tuesday Jan 28, 2025

Daisy Day
Data Privacy Day
Global Community Engagement Day
International Lego Day
National Blueberry Pancake Day
National Gift Of The Ladybug Day
National Have Fun At Work Day
National Kazoo Day
Pop Art Day
Rattlesnake Roundup Day
Thank A Plugin Developer Day

Wednesday Jan 29, 2025

Curmudgeons Day
Freethinkers Day
National Carnation Day
National Corn Chip Day
National Puzzle Day
Seeing Eye Dog Day
World Automobile Day

Thursday Jan 30, 2025

Inane Answering Message Day
Martyrs’ Day
National Croissant Day
National Draw A Dinosaur Day
National Escape Day
School Day Of Non-Violence And Peace
Yodel For Your Neighbors Day

Friday Jan 31, 2025

Appreciate Your Social Security Check Day
Brandy Alexander Day
Eat Brussels Sprouts Day
Gorilla Suit Day
Hell Is Freezing Over Day
Hug An Economist Day
International Zebra Day
National Backward Day
National Hot Chocolate Day
National Inspire Your Heart With Art Day
Scotch Tape Day

Saturday Feb 1, 202

Car Insurance Day
Change Your Password Day
Decorating With Candy Day
G.I. Joe Day
Hula In The Coola Day
International Face And Body Art Day
National Baked Alaska Day
National Dark Chocolate Day
National Freedom Day
National Get Up Day
National Serpent Day
Rainy Day Day
Robinson Crusoe Day
Spunky Old Broads Day
World Aspergillosis Day

Author: Nat Days

“When you arise in the morning think of what a privilege it is to be alive, to think, to enjoy, to love ...” ― Marcus Aurelius, Meditations

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